Everything Talisman
The “Everything Talisman” is a two-sided talisman that I’ve put together from the Pentacles in the Key of Solomon. It’s designed to provide you with all the magicalk effects that I think are most useful for magicians looking to make it big on planet Earth today.
On one side are the seven planetary pentacles from the Key of Solomon that are said to provide the authority to command the spirits of that planet on the Earth. These pentacles have four spirit names on them, resulting in 28 spirits you can work with.
The Seven Planetary Pentacles of the Key of Solomon said to give Authority to Command the Planetary Powers of each Planet
On the other side of the Everything Talisman are the five planetary pentacles of the Key of Solomon that I find the most useful in the daily life of a magician. Why five when there are seven wandering stars?
I don’t have one for Saturn, because the Key of Solomon Saturn Talismans aren’t really good for daily use, unless you want to cause harm and destruction to people every day. I don’t have that kind of need for that kind of malefica regularly, so I didn’t include it.
Likewise for the Moon, the Lunar talismans offered in the Key of Solomon just aren’t that useful to me as a magician. The most useful one is the one that opens every lock, and that happens to be the one that has the four names of the spirits on it, and is already on the other side of this talisman. So I don’t have one for Saturn, or for the Moon.
The five I did include are:
- The second pentacle of Jupiter.– This is proper for acquiring glory, honors, dignities, riches, and all kinds of good, together with great tranquility of mind; also to discover treasures and chase away the spirits who preside over them.
- The sixth pentacle of Mars.– It hath so great virtue that being armed therewith, if thou art attacked by any one, thou shalt neither be injured nor wounded when thou fightest with him, and his own weapons shall turn against him.
- The third pentacle of the Sun.– This serveth in addition (to the effects of the two preceding) to acquire kingdom and empire, to inflict loss, and to acquire renown and glory, especially through the name of God, Tetragrammaton, which therein is twelve times contained.
- The second pentacle of Venus.– These pentacles are also proper for obtaining grace and honor, and for all things which belong unto Venus, and for accomplishing all thy desires herein.
- The fourth pentacle of Mercury.– This is further proper to acquire the understanding and knowledge of all things created, and to seek out and penetrate into hidden things; and to command those spirits which are called Allatori to perform embassies. They obey very readily.
While these are mostly self-explanatory, when working with the Allatori, you just hold the talisman in your left hand and say “Allatori, Allatori, bring me a story, tell me everything about ….” And then say what you want to learn about. The Allatori seem to be a network of Mercurial/Arial spirits who know everything that happens between the Earth and Space.
They hear everything that vibrates, and can communicate it to you. They are amazing communicators, and they know everything. The ways this manifests for me is usually just figuring things out rationally and finding out I wass right later, having a weird strong intuition, or having reliable sources of information related to my question materialize in short order. We are in an information age, and these spirits can get you whatever info you need. Highly recommend working with them for everything.
The Five Useful Pentacles of the Key of Solomon included on the Everything Talisman
Everything Talisman Consecration
The Everything Talisman is consecrated in a ritual during a Lunar Hour that conjures all Seven Planetary gods, the Seven Governors/Intelligences/Archangels of the planets, and the 28 spirits mentioned on the seven talismans that are said to give you power over the planetary powers on the Earth.
The Lunar hour is selected because the Moon passes through all the other Planets’ influence daily, and receives and projects their rays into the material world. This is why Paracelsus says we can use Silver for any planetary talisman.
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