Courses in Conjuring New Worlds

The Great Work, in my current opinion, is about learning how to become a fully activated human being, capable of conjuring into being the worlds we want to experience for ourselves, and the other people we live with.

Getting the power to make the kinds of changes necessary to recreate the world the way we see fit takes learning, practice, revelation, initiation, transformation and integration before it can reach expression. The process of the Great Work is laid out across time, pointed to in the Emerald Tablet of Hermes, spelled out in the Corpus Hermeticum, walked through in the Orphic Mysteries, and consistently referenced in 16th century European occultism.

It sounds hubristic, and should be read as more of a metaphor than any kind of insanity, but when you have glimpsed the process of the unfolding universe as it passes from sphere to sphere before it is experienced, and you see and understand your role as the speaker-into-being in the process, you have access to a much wider array of tools than you might think.

It’s not crazy fireballs, or one-with-god-in-90-days stuff, it’s just that you come to an understanding of the universe, where it does what you want, and you want what it does, in fulfillment of your urge to create.

All of these processes begin with learning the basic techniques of conjuring the spirits that will bring you the wisdom and empowerment you need to be made more efficient in your ways.

The following courses are designed to provide the framework for you to be able to perform the processes necessary to accomplish the Great Work, and find the power to create the world in your own image.

You never reach a point where it stops taking work to make things happen, there is never a “happily ever after, and they never suffered or worked again,” but these classes give you the stuff you need to cut off dead-end energy waste, find new resources, inspiration, and the fuel to manifest what you want instead of what you have.

The Courses

The classes can be purchased in in any order, either in bundles, or as stand alone items. This is intended to be as stand-alone as possible, but there is overlap, so I kept them cheap.

I recommend the following order:


First learn Conjuration, your expression of your place in the universe that establishes your right to call upon the forces of creation and manifestation itself. This is a single-lesson class at the moment, but it’s about a three hour lesson, and includes a workbook. I might have to break it up if I ever get more time to edit things.

Note: This item is included in the All Courses Bundle.

1 Lesson

Conjuration Class

The Conjure Class is the foundational class, and sets the tone for the remaining courses.

0% Complete
0/0 Steps

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Tutelary Spirit Class

The next thing I recommend is starting the Tutelary Spirit Work. This path is a lot easier with a companion and a guide, and most of our traditions teach something about us having one anyway, so why not use it to the best?



Principles of Planetary Magic

And then, work through the Seven Spheres.

The powers of the seven planetary spheres mingle and weave in varying proportions to create this world. Each alone represents certain qualities of existence, with entities and deities that can be appealed to, worked with, and directed in harmony with our intents.

